
Foundation Featured in National Facilities Management Newsletter

AEF ‘s work is in the national spotlight. Here’s an excerpt from an article in FacilitiesNet (April 25, 2019 by Edward Sullivan) that features the Foundation and other interesting workforce development initiatives:

How To Recruit Tomorrow’s Facility Management Workforce

“One big topic of discussion at this year’s National Facility Management & Technology(NFMT) conference and exposition was the challenge of finding and developing talent for the facility department. Conversations at NFMT showed that a wide range of efforts is underway to address those challenges….

Bringing new talent into the facility field is an industry-wide challenge that is being tackled by a variety of groups. One example is the work being done by the ABOA Education Foundation in the Washington, D.C., metro area. The foundation provides internships, training based on job skills and job readiness, and scholarships to help job seekers become building engineers or multifamily maintenance professionals or to enter the skilled trades…

As far as bringing talent into the facility field, one challenge that Fischer sees is the need to rebrand facility jobs. Building engineering, for example, is a distinct career path, with opportunities for advancement, that many trade school students are unaware of… ”

Read the entire article by clicking on this link:
