
Summer Internships to Help Build Talent Pipeline

Following extensive outreach, the AOBA Educational Foundation had the POSITIVE challenge this Spring of screening more than 90 candidates for AEF’s 2019 Paid Summer Internship program!  The internships will help individuals launch careers in building engineering, operations and maintenance.

Area real estate firms sponsoring interns interviewed pre-qualified residents who have some on-the-job training (including customer service), took related educational courses, or completed an employment services program that offered exposure to building trades. On May 7th, intern candidates will be “matched” with sponsor companies.

Looking for staff for your engineering/maintenance/ operations team?  The Foundation has access to more job seekers than available internship positions. For referral details, please contact AEF Workforce Development Manager Shara Kurcz at

Sincere thanks to the following 2019 intern sponsors who stepped up to help build our region’s “talent pipeline” during the upcoming 12-week internship which runs June 3 through August 23:

Blake Real Estate
(will host 2 interns)
Borger Management
Boston Properties
(will host 3 interns)
Lincoln Property Company

Monday Properties (will host 2 interns)
MRP Real Estate Services Group (will host 4 interns)
Polinger Company (will host 2 interns)
Quality Air Services, LLC
Stonebridge Management
Stream Realty Partners
Tishman Speyer Properties
Van Metre Companies

William C. Smith + Co.

(Photo courtesy of Boston Properties)

The AOBA Educational Foundation (AEF), a 501(c)(3) organization, was incorporated in 2017 to promote careers in building engineering and maintenance in the Washington, DC region through communications, outreach and workforce development initiatives.