Summer Internship Program is Sizzling
The list of local property management firms committed to sponsoring 2019 summer interns is impressive. We now have TWICE the number of internship positions (a total of 20) than we had for our inaugural 2018 program.
Sincere thanks to the following AEF sponsor firms who have stepped up to host AEF interns:
Blake Real Estate (will host 2)
Boston Properties
COPT (will host 3)
Lincoln Property Company
Monday Properties (will host 2)
MRP Real Estate Services Group (will host 4)
Quality Air Services, LLC
Stonebridge Management
Stream Realty Partners
Tishman Speyer Properties
Van Metre Companies
William C. Smith + Co.
NEXT STEPS: Following a multi-step screening process, AEF staff looks forward to engaging these intern sponsors in conducting candidate interviews in late April and hosting a “Match Day” in early May.
QUESTION FOR EMPLOYERS: We have many more job seekers than summer internship positions. Are you interested in considering pre-screened candidates for your building team? Email for details.