
AEF Hosts Successful Career Day at DOES

Thanks to strong support provided by the DC Department of Employment Services (DOES), the AEF interviewed more than 20 ready-to-work DC residents on March 22 for potential employment in building operations.

The successful Career Day included employment counseling by DOES Program Analyst Clayton Witt; interview tips by Borger Management’s Director of HR, Stacy Williams; and an overview of industry opportunities by AEF’s Interim Executive Director Marc Fischer.

AEF staff reviewed resumes, interviewed and videotaped for each candidate. Once additional screening is completed, AEF staff will follow up with each candidate regarding potential career paths. The good news?  Several candidates seeking immediate employment will be connected directly to AOBA members and several candidates may be considered for the 2019 paid summer internship program.  Questions about these job seekers?  Contact AEF Workforce Development Manager Shara Kurcz.